happy birthday baby. todd's mom made him this amazing (looking & tasting) red velvet cake.
tulips from Flora Home
i baked 2 loaves of bread yesterday...nothing like french toast with fresh bread. yum.
more from the kitchen... Also, you can see photos from my new work project at Swatch Diaries.
kitchen creatures.
view from a fort nest window: snow
No, we don't eat bunnies in this house, but we do let one Mr. Allen on the table (naughty- I know). He likes the view. Last night I let him free range around the house - so hysterical watching the cats scramble out of his way. The dishcloth was made by my talented mother-in-law. I love having a hand knit dish towel - it's inispired me to want to make some myself. And lastly, dinner prep. So, much fun...
new years in nyc was nice! so, very nice. yummy food, snowy streets, great friends, beautiful apartment, sweet cats...i just wish i took more pictures. ps: heidi & anders...todd and i really wanted to send you a post card, but our trip was so short that we didn't get to it. i'm sorry! next trip, we promise.