

my cousin's lady bought me a fancy new bracelet. i absolutely love it, but only for special occasions, of course. and the photo below of my lovely boyfriend is the one he'd like to put on our wedding invitaions - naturally just to my side of the family. his side would get a similar glamour shot of me. hmmm. how's no? my idea involves the beauty of the letter press, so i've looked into this and it appears that i mine as well buy a letter press and make them myself. this wedding thing is a wicked excuse to spend money. BUT, i've been wanting one for a while and i have a small stash of cash saved up so i'm ready for a road trip to Letter Press Things in November. Meanwhile, toddie and i are eagerly anticipating the Fryeburg Fair so we can scout out the band we want to play at next summer's festivities.


Unknown said...

girl - what time are you going to bed if you are coherent at 4:44 am?
maybe the clock on your computer is off.

nice bracelet.

madder said...

yeah, clock must not be accurate. there's just no way that would happen. i was waking up at 5am, though, to get that sweater done earlier this week! that sucked.

Catherine said...

That there Toddy, he's SO handsome! (Ms. H, it's not too late to reconsider!) JK