

A couple weekends ago, two lovely friends of mine helped me do some messy work in the future home of Fort Nest. Let's just say I owe them - queen ants with wings (and their eggs), mice bones, horse poo, and more ants....
I came upon these photos and couldn't help but post them in fond memory of that day.

And inside, Toddie get's serious in our living room. We're trying to get things going, although it feels like it's not happening fast enough (we have no insulation in the older front portion of the house - eek!).

Pam came over to see the house last night. She makes me feel so excited about yarn and knitting. I feel blessed to have met her. Anyway, she took some pictures of me wearing some legwarmers for their webletter.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Who's the babe w/ the mask?